Thursday, November 8, 2012

Copying On S3

The question recently arose: Is it faster to copy within buckets on S3 than it is to copy between buckets?

A quick script provided an answer. I copied a 100K file 100 times for each test and averaged the results (which are in seconds).

Avg. time to make copy between buckets: 0.10705331
Avg. time to make copy within bucket: 0.10522299

A second test produced similar results (very slightly slower in both cases).

And here's the Ruby script I threw together. It uses the aws-sdk gem.

# get buckets
s3 =
bucket1 = s3.buckets['dfsbucket1']
bucket2 = s3.buckets['dfsbucket2']

# get an object from bucket 1
random_file = bucket1.objects['191111308/state_file']

start =
copies = 100
(1 .. copies).each do |i|
  random_file.copy_to("test_file#{i}", {
     :bucket => bucket2
puts "Avg. time to make copy between buckets: #{( - start)/copies}"

start =
(1..copies).each {|i| random_file.copy_to("test_file#{i}")}
puts "Avg. time to make copy within bucket: #{( - start)/copies}"

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