Thursday, May 5, 2011

Working With Google's WebGL Globe

Today, Google released a data visualization that shows search volume by language across the globe. It uses WebGL, so you'll need a recent version of Chrome and decent video drivers to see it.

It's different than the normal "things on a globe" visualizations you see in — for instance — Google Earth, because it incorporates height as an additional dimension. Google Maps and Google Earth give flat perspectives: You can only guess magnitude based on clusters of the familiar red, upside-down teardrops.

By itself, the visualization would be a five-minute folderol to enjoy on a lunch break. But Google's Data Arts team released all the source. Take your own data, muck with it a bit, and you too can have an interactive globe dripping in an oh-so-modern, shades-of-black aesthetic.

I took the bait.

Over the course of today, I took some of our game analytics data and built a local WebGL globe visualization. We have an established workflow for creating latitude/longitude tables from our data — this isn't the first map visualization I've done — and I built on top of that. Once I extracted the information I wanted, I wrote a quick Ruby script that converts the exported data into the format their code looks for.

I can't share a link with you — it's on our internal network — and I can't tell you what I mapped. But I can tell you that it got lots of oohs and aahs in the office.

I can also tell you that it wasn't a simple "replace their data with our data" exercise. If you're planning on doing something with the tool, here are a few things I figured out by trial and error.
  1. Note: This has since been fixed. Don't rely on their README: It's wrong. At least, the JSON format is. It's much better to read the globe.js file to see what it wants, though that requires you to know JavaScript. Rather than a complex set of nested arrays, the code prefers one long array with latitude, longitude, and magnitude strung together like beads on a string. (There's an optional "legend" mode that requires a fourth point, but I haven't played with it. I assume it lets you define different data series. Their addData method takes the data block and a set of options, and one of those options is format: The default is magnitude — three data points — and you can specify legend — four data points.)
  2. A portion of their code multiplies the magnitude by 200 to ensure the small numbers in their data — percentages, I suppose — become big enough for bars that reach high into the sky. For our particular data set, I had to divide the number by 200 in order to get the bars to be correct once they multiply it by 200.
  3. The default coloring of the lines relates to the height, but it looks like you can pass a custom "get the color" function for different logic.
  4. Their source code relies on a top-level directory on your website named /globe for the location of the map image that wraps onto the sphere. You can change that easily enough. Search for "imgDir" in the source.


  1. Re #1: Depends on which globe.js you're looking at. The top-level globe.js reads nested arrays as described in the README. globe/globe.js, on the other hand, reads an array as you describe.

  2. Ah, thanks for the clarification. I just figured that the documentation didn't line up with the code, which would hardly be the first time that had ever happened.

  3. I wondered how I had missed the top-level globe.js you mention, but it doesn't seem to be in the git repository. So you must have just grabbed from the site?
