Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Enhancing UIButton. Or Not.

As part of a UI redesign in my iPhone app, I realized I had a few concepts that would be repeated in various places, so of course I wanted to bundle them into reusable components.

One idea was a button whose text would always read "<some fixed prefix>: <some mutable date>." The date changes as the containing view is visible, but the prefix is fixed early in the button's lifecycle.

I made a new class, called ScheduleButton, that subclassed UIButton. I added methods for setting the date format, the actual date, and the prefix. These call down into a single "updateButtonText" method that constructs the appropriate string and would have used the inherited UIButton methods to change the text.

So far, so good.

I dragged a UIButton object from Interface Builder into my app, and set the class to ScheduleButton (instead of UIButton, the default). I launched my app and saw the button,but without a border.

I could probably figure out the reason for this. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that UIButtons are made with a class method, buttonForType, rather than a normal alloc/initWithFrame flow (at least from a client's perspective: I imagine initWithFrame gets called in there somewhere).

But after hitting my head against several other issues during this redesign, I pretty much just said, "Fuck it." (Did I mention that I'd swear on this blog? Well, I will.) Instead, I converted ScheduleButton into a helper class that holds a reference to a UIButton. The controller still interacts with ScheduleButton, using the same methods, and they feed into one centralized method, but that one method now invokes setTitle on the contained UIButton rather than inheriting it. That means that other objects can muck with the UIButton on their own, without my helper being the wiser, though that's not likely to be a problem since I'm the sole user. (There's probably yet another solution involving Objective-C's category functionality, but I don't want to modify every instance of the UIButton class in my application: I just want to modify particular objects.)

I tried to lend credence to this implementation by convincing myself that this was an instance of the Decorator design pattern, but it's pretty clearly not. A proper Decorator shares a parent with the decorated object and implements every method by calling into the (completely contained) decorated object. It then adds extra functionality that the decorated object doesn't know about.

Ah, well. Sometimes you just need something to work.

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