Saturday, January 30, 2010


I'm working on a new project at work, and it has a by-now-standard RESTful API web service layer. And, of course, like all such layers, it needs to support output in XML or JSON.

Supporting XML is easy in Java, thanks to a technology called JAXB. Among its many capabilities is one which lets you annotate Java objects and generate an XML document from those annotations.

For instance, you could write an object with the following:

private String name = "Joe";

Pass that to the JAXB marshaller, and you'd get this XML:


And the reverse is true: Make JAXB parse the XML, and you'd end up with an object whose name instance variable was set to Joe.

So our XML version was done in no time. But JSON support is a less-entrenched technology, and thus there's no elegant built-in solution. My initial idea was to just use one of the JSON libraries out there and have it construct a JSON object from the XML document generated by JAXB: Dump the XML into a buffer, convert it, and print that text to the HTTP response output stream. That works (though it's not very efficient), except in this particular case:


Your schema might define things as a collection with zero or more items, but the XML-to-JSON converter doesn't see the schema, and so it creates a things object instead of a things collection. Once there are two items in the collection, everything works fine. (It's possible that if we had an actual schema doc somewhere, the converter could know about it. But since the annotations define the output, we don't have an xsd file around at the moment. )

I looked at various options for mapping objects, but most felt like duplicate work: I'd have to maintain a JSON mapping in sync with the XML mapping, a setup that's guaranteed to get messed up in some subtle way someday. What I really wanted to do was use the JAXB annotations as the definition for the JSON output.

Jersey looks like it's trying to accomplish the same thing, but it also seemed (when I first looked at it) to be not yet ready for prime time.

So I came up with my own solution. While I can't post the code, I can give you a good sense of how it worked.

I created a concrete object,JAXBBridgeParser. I also created an interface, JAXBBridgeParserListener. You throw a JAXB annotated object and an implementation of JAXBBridgeParserListener at the parser, and it uses reflection to find the annotated fields and methods in that object. For each annotated field/method, it calls some appropriate method on the listener.

In addition to the ubiquitous startParsing and finishParsing messages, the parser fires special-purpose messages at the listener. The easiest scenario is what I call the "simple type" field or method. A String, a Java primitive, a Date, etc. In that case, the parser says to the listener, "Here's the name of this field and here's the value." In the JSON scenario, this translates to a key-value pair.

Next up is what I call the "complex type" field or method. This is a value that is itself an annotated object. In that scenario, the parser first tells the listener that it's beginning a complex object with a given name; then it recurses into a processObject method with that new object. That will in turn trigger its own "simple type" or "complex type" messages. When it comes out of the recursive call, the parser tells the listener that it's done with the complex object of the given name. This corresponds to a JSON key-value pair where the value is an object.

Finally, I have to worry about collections. These could contain simple types or complex types. When the parser sees an annotated field or method that is a collection, it tells the listener that it's starting a collection via the beginCollection method in the interface. For each item in the collection, it sends a message to the listener telling it that it's processing an object inside a collection. There are separate methods for simple types and complex types in collections. When it's done with the collection, it tells the listener that it's finished. In JSON, that corresponds to a list that might look like this: ["a","b",{c: "c",d:"d"}].

The end result works like a charm: My JSON objects line up perfectly with our XML documents, and I don't have to do anything to get them there. The JSON listener is about 20 lines of code. Any object that can be converted to XML can also be converted to JSON simply by passing it through the system. (A custom Spring ViewResolver figures out the right converter to use based on the request, so anything that can be served up as XML also automatically gets a JSON version.)

And I can support new formats pretty easily as they rise in prominence in the web world. I've thought about wiring up an HTML formatter that would give default browser versions of the data. HTML is a little trickier because I'd want some of the items — object IDs, for instance — to be attributes and some of the items — names, for instance — to be page content. But it should be doable. I've also thought of wiring up YAML support, which should be brain-dead simple, just because I can.

My particular scenario is pretty simple: We don't use some of the deeper features of JAXB, so I don't have to worry about handling them. I do, however, support @XmlJavaTypeAdapter, running the referenced adapter on a field before the parser sends the value to the listener. And my version has the downside that I, and not some larger open-source community, have to support and extend it. Still, it was a pleasant little exercise, and it's working well.

If you go this route, I encourage you not only to have lots of unit tests to catch subtle edge cases, but also to set up a more behavior-focused test. In my case, I made a test listener that simply counts the number of messages it gets from the parser. I set up an object with a fixed set of annotations, and then passed it and the listener to the parser. My "unit test" then checks the counts for each message in the listener.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Polyglot Programming

I recently read through The ThoughtWorks Anthology, a collection of essays by Big Thinkers in the realm of systems design. The essays were largely interesting, but one in particular resonated with me: Polyglot Programming. The author made a compelling case for using the Java Virtual Machine — a robust, mature, well-tested infrastructure — as a platform in which any number of languages can co-exist.

Java's a good language, of course, but it's not good at everything. Why not mix in other languages that can run in the virtual machine but offer strengths in the face of Java's weaknesses, asked the author. I've toyed with this idea before, especially with adding Scala's potential for highly concurrent code, but the essay lit a new fire in me.

I came up with a way to try out the concept. We have a bunch of queries in our service layers, and Java blows when it comes to formatting long strings. Without the ability to have one string span multiple lines, you end up with something like this:

String query = "SELECT table_a.*,table_b.* FROM table_a,table_b,table_c " +
"WHERE table_a.some_column = table_b.some_column " +
"AND table_b.some_column = table_c.some_column " +
"AND = :idValue";

Easy reading, right? Not only is it annoying to read, it's error prone. I almost always forget a space in one of these long strings, causing SQL exceptions that don't show up until runtime.

Ruby, like many other scripting languages, allows for a "here document" which basically says, "Treat this text following double less-than signs as a double quote and just pull in everything after it until you see the same text again." In Ruby, you might write the query above as follows:

query = <<QUERY
table_a.some_column = table_b.some_column
AND table_b.some_column = table_c.some_column
AND = :idValue

Which is more readable. I admit this is not a monumental problem, but it did offer an opportunity.

Enter JRuby. JRuby is a Ruby interpreter written in Java. Curiously, it now outperforms the C-based interpreter in lots of benchmarks, which is not only a testament to the maturity of the JVM but to the dedicated open-source team that have devoted themselves to improving JRuby. JRuby's main benefit is that you can access the sweeping Java API from within your Ruby scripts, but you can also invoke Ruby scripts from your Java code.

I made a new class called QueryContainer that would serve as a facade for managing the Ruby invocations and giving Hibernate Query objects back to the service layer. No other layer in the code would need to know about invoking Ruby: QueryContainer would translate the scripts into objects useful elsewhere in the system. Inside each Ruby script, I made a class to act as a namespace (because I opted for a singleton of the Ruby interpreter instead of multiple copies), and then inside each class defined hash literals that looked something like this:

QUERY_1 = {
:query => <<QUERY
table_a.some_column = table_b.some_column
AND table_b.some_column = table_c.some_column
AND = :idValue

What's that AppConstants::SQL thing? AppConstants is a Java class in our system that has some globally useful constants. Because it's JRuby, I can use constants from my Java classes. We have two query languages in our system: normal SQL and Hibernate's abridged SQL. QueryContainer needs to know which query language it is because Hibernate defines a createQuery method for HSQL and a createSQLQuery method for SQL.

But it gets more complicated. If you have a SQL query that returns everything you need to construct a Hibernate object, you need to tell Hibernate what kind of object it is. (You don't need to do this for HSQL.) I added an entityClass key to the SQL hash literals, and had it reference a Java class object (.java_class when you're in JRuby, since .class has meaning in the Ruby world. In other words:

QUERY_1 = {
:type => AppConstants::SQL,
:entityClass => BusinessObject.java_class,


Here's the final flow. Some method in the service layer wants to run a query. It calls a method in the base class called getQueryForKey, passing in the query key it wants. That base class method calls a similar method on a QueryContainer instance variable held by the base class. QueryContainer was initialized with the Ruby script that will act as a resource, and it reaches into it to find the keys in the hash literal with the same name as the key that's been moving through the chain. e.g.,: QuerySet1::QUERY_1[:query]. If it's an HSQL query (QuerySet1::QUERY_1[:type]), QueryContainer just constructs a regular Query object. If it's a SQL query, QueryContainer constructs a SQLQuery object and calls addEntity on it, passing in the Java class from the :entityClass key of the hash literal.

So how does it work? Well, on the one hand, it accomplishes what I wanted. My queries have been factored out into new files, and they've been re-produced in a format that's easier to read and less error-prone. The entire rest of the system is ignorant of their source. It makes the case for adding languages that have strengths (in this case, the relatively minor advantage of string literals that can span multiple lines) to a deploy.

But on the other hand, JRuby seems to have added a sizable chunk of memory to our app. Shortly after I put in this system, our dev server started running into OutOfMemory errors on a regular basis, a process that I've contained somewhat by disabling some other systems. And this is with a singleton of the interpreter. I've found little information about this, and so I'm wondering if JRuby is the way to go. I haven't hooked up a profiler yet to determine the real source, but it's the only thing that's changed.

I've started looking at Groovy as an alternate. At least if I go that route, only QueryContainer needs to change.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Menu For Hope Source

For the past few years, I've run the raffle program that generates the winners for Menu For Hope, an annual fundraising event started by Pim that incorporates food bloggers from around the world and raises tons of money for hunger relief.

It's been a couple of years since I first posted the source code, so I thought I'd post the current version. It hasn't changed much: I made the parsing a bit smarter and added support for giving people tickets even if they asked for fewer tickets than they bought (I used to skip those as invalid). Looking at it now, I see a number of ways it could be cleaner and better architected (can you say regex?), but it continues to work. If you see any bugs, feel free to mention them!

Keep in mind that I don't run the program blindly: I run it and then look over every line of output to make sure the program is behaving the way I expect. If it's not, or I see an error, I usually end up fixing some minor data issue (People often think O is the same as 0, for some reason, or they write UW01x2 UW02x3 instead of 2xUW01, 3xUW02. My program handles the latter but not the former because it attaches the 2 to the second string in the field instead of the first.)

Here's the main class.

public class MFHRaffle {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List prizeCodes = new ArrayList();
try {
RandomAccessFile prizeFile =
new RandomAccessFile("prizeFile.txt","r");
String curPrize;
while ((curPrize = prizeFile.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("Added prize code: " + curPrize);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.println("Error reading prize code file");
// divide args into buckets
// there's only one input arg (file) so we can size list in advance
List commandArgs = new ArrayList(args.length - 1);
Map params = new HashMap();
String filename = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].startsWith("-")) {
if (args[i].startsWith("-oneprize") ) {
} else {
filename = args[i];
System.out.println("Using file: " + filename);

if (commandArgs.contains("testrandomdraw")) {

boolean debug = true;
if (commandArgs.contains("debug")) {
debug = true;

MFHDataParser parser = null;
if (commandArgs.contains("csv")) {
parser = new CSVDataParser();
} else {
parser = new ExcelDataParser();

Map<String,List<String>> entries = parser.extractData(filename);
Map<String,Integer> prizeCounts = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
Map<String,String> prizeToWinner = new HashMap<String,String>();

//produce a sorted list
List<String> sortedPrizes = new ArrayList<String>(entries.keySet());

if (!commandArgs.contains("oneprize")) {
// for every entry in map, throw list to randomDraw
for (Iterator<String> prizeIt = sortedPrizes.iterator();
prizeIt.hasNext();) {
// drumroll please...
String prize =;
List<String> bidders= entries.get(prize);
prizeCounts.put(prize,new Integer(bidders.size() * 10));

String winnerEmail = randomDraw(bidders);
} else {
String prizeCode = (String)params.get("oneprize");
String winnerEmail = randomDraw(entries.get(prizeCode));

// tab-delimited output for fatemeh
System.out.println("********** TEXT ****************");
for (Iterator<String> prizeIt = sortedPrizes.iterator();
prizeIt.hasNext();) {
String prize =;
parser.getNameForEmail(prizeToWinner.get(prize)) +"\t"+

// html markup for brett
System.out.println("********** HTML *****************");
System.out.println("<table rules=\"rows\" >");
for (Iterator<String> prizeIt = sortedPrizes.iterator();
prizeIt.hasNext();) {
String prize =;
prizeCounts.get(prize) + "</td><td>" +
parser.getNameForEmail(prizeToWinner.get(prize)) +
"</td><td>" + prizeToWinner.get(prize) +


Here's the base class for parsers:

public abstract class MFHDataParser {

private boolean debug=false;

private char[] delims = {',',' ','.',';'};

private Map<String,String> emailToName = new HashMap<String,String>();

private List<String> validPrizes = new ArrayList<String>();

public void setValidPrizes(List<String> prizeList) {
this.validPrizes = prizeList;

protected void mapEmailToName(String email, String name) {
this.emailToName.put(email, name);

public String getNameForEmail(String email) {
return this.emailToName.get(email);

public abstract Map<String,List<String>> extractData(String filename);

/** Do our darndest to figure out what prizes a donator has mentioned on
* a given line. Note: Be sure to complain if we don't recognize a prize.
protected List<String> extractPrizes(String prizes, int amount)
throws NoPrizeFoundException {

String ucPrizes = prizes.toUpperCase().trim(); //for consistency's sake
if (isDebug()) {
System.out.println("Incoming prize string " + ucPrizes);

// basic strategy
// find two numbers followed by a delim (, space, ., eol, ;)
// back up and find two letters before it
// then back up (not into an earlier code) and find a #
// can't use java's regex abilities because i need to divide into larger chunks

// put that many copies into the list
// verify that size of list = donation /10. bark if not
// List = one of each real raffle ticket (5xUW03 -> 5 entries in List)

List<String> prizeList = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Integer> prizeCounts = new ArrayList<Integer>();

if (ucPrizes.length() < 4 ) {
throw new NoPrizeFoundException(ucPrizes);
} else if (ucPrizes.length() == 4) {
// exact count. easy case, but verify that it's legit

String prizeCode = findPrizeCodeInTextBlock(ucPrizes);
if (!validPrizes.contains(prizeCode)) {
System.out.println("INVALID PRIZE CODE: " + prizeCode);
for (int i =1;i<= amount/10; i++) {
} else {
// in this case we need to walk through the list, divided it into
// chunks, and find the prize code in each
int chunkStart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ucPrizes.length();i++) {
if (i == ucPrizes.length() - 1 ||
isDelim(ucPrizes.charAt(i))) {
String curChunk = null;
if (isDelim(ucPrizes.charAt(i))) {
curChunk = ucPrizes.substring(chunkStart,i);

if (i == ucPrizes.length() - 1) {
curChunk = ucPrizes.substring(chunkStart,i+1);
if (curChunk.length() < 4) {
String prizeCode = findPrizeCodeInTextBlock(curChunk);
if (prizeCode.equals("")) {
continue; // not in this text block
} else if (!this.validPrizes.contains(prizeCode)) {
System.out.println("INVALID PRIZE CODE: " + prizeCode);

int prizeCount = new Integer(
if (prizeCount == -1) {
prizeCounts.add(new Integer(1));
} else {
prizeCounts.add(new Integer(prizeCount));

chunkStart = i + 1;

// expand prize list as needed
if (prizeList.size() == amount /10) {
return prizeList; // if there are as many prizes as the amount
// would suggest, do one ticket each
} else if (prizeList.size() == 1) {
// create an expanded list that has one entry for each ticket
List<String> newPrizeList = new ArrayList<String>(amount/10);
for (int i = 0;i < (amount /10); i++) {
return newPrizeList;
} else {
// we have a mix of amounts and quantities
List<String> newPrizeList = new ArrayList<String>(amount/10);
for (int i = 0; i < prizeList.size();i++) {
Integer count = prizeCounts.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < count.intValue(); j++) {
return newPrizeList;

protected int parseAmount(String amtString) {
if (amtString.trim().equals("")) {
return 0;
return (int)(Double.parseDouble(amtString));

/** Takes a guess at the prize quantity in a given text block */
private int findPrizeQuantityInTextBlock(String chunk, String prizeCode) {
// make a spaced version so we can look for UC 01 as well as UC01
// walk over the string looking for numbers, skipping the prize code
String spacedPrizeCode = prizeCode.substring(0,2) + " " +

String newChunk = chunk.replace(prizeCode,"");
newChunk = newChunk.replace(spacedPrizeCode,"");

for (int i = 0; i < newChunk.length(); i++) {
if (Character.isDigit(newChunk.charAt(i))) {
if (i < newChunk.length() - 1 &&
Character.isDigit(newChunk.charAt(i+1))) {
// two-digit quantity
char[] digits = {newChunk.charAt(i),newChunk.charAt(i+1)};
return Integer.parseInt(new String(digits));
} else {
return Integer.parseInt(newChunk.substring(i,i+1));

// one last check. some bidders wrote "TWO" instead of 2
if (newChunk.indexOf("TWO") != -1) {
return 2;

return -1;

/** Returns the offset of something that looks like a prize code. */
private String findPrizeCodeInTextBlock(String chunk) {

// look for 2 letters followed by 2 numbers => prize code
for (int i = 3; i < chunk.length(); i++) {
if (Character.isDigit(chunk.charAt(i)) &&
Character.isDigit(chunk.charAt(i - 1))) {
if (chunk.charAt(i-2) == ' ') {
if (Character.isLetter(chunk.charAt(i-3)) &&
Character.isLetter(chunk.charAt(i-4))) {
return chunk.substring(i-4,i-2) +
} else {
if (Character.isLetter(chunk.charAt(i-2)) &&
Character.isLetter(chunk.charAt(i-3))) {
return chunk.substring(i-3,i+1);
return "";

protected boolean isDebug() {
return this.debug;

public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;

private boolean isDelim(char c) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.delims.length; i++) {
if (c == delims[i]) {
return true;
return false;


And here's the Excel-parsing subclass of Data Parser (you can see that it's got some logic that should be in DataParser, but in truth we've always used the Excel format, so it hasn't been an issue.

public class ExcelDataParser extends MFHDataParser {

public Map<String,List<String>> extractData(String filename) {
Map<String,List<String>> retVal = new HashMap<String,List<String>>();
try {
Workbook wkbk = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(filename));
Sheet sheet = wkbk.getSheet(0);
for (int i = 0; i < sheet.getRows(); i++) {
if (i == 0) { continue; }// skip headers
String name = sheet.getCell(0,i).getContents();
String email = sheet.getCell(1,i).getContents();
String date = sheet.getCell(2,i).getContents();
if (isDebug()) {
System.out.println("amount: " + sheet.getCell(3,i).getContents());
int amt = parseAmount(sheet.getCell(3,i).getContents());
String comment = sheet.getCell(4,i).getContents();
if (email == null || email.trim().equals("")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No email found at line " + i);

if (comment == null || comment.trim().length() == 0) {
System.out.println("No comment on line " + (i+1));
List<String> prizes = extractPrizes(comment,amt);
if (isDebug()) {
System.out.print( "prizes for line " + (i+1) + " ");
for (Iterator<String> prizeIt = prizes.iterator();
prizeIt.hasNext();) {
System.out.print( + " " );

if (prizes.size() != amt / 10) {
System.out.println("Line " + (i+1) +
" does not have the right number of prizes for the amt");

// compress the lists down to MFHPair, which includes an email
// and a count. Insert into map, keyed by prize code
Collections.sort(prizes); // make sure they're in order
String curPrize = "";
int curCount = 0;
for (Iterator<String> prizeIt = prizes.iterator();
prizeIt.hasNext();) {
String prizeFromList =;
List<String> bidders = null;
if (retVal.containsKey(prizeFromList)) {
bidders = retVal.get(prizeFromList);
} else {
bidders = new ArrayList<String>();
return retVal;
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("There was a problem: " + e);
return null;

Saturday, January 16, 2010


A co-worker of mine seems to subscribe to some mailing list where he hears about every framework and tool that ever comes into existence. And he seems to bring up each one as a potentially neat and useful addition to our tool belt at work. I tease him about it, but he is good at finding interesting things.

About one-third of his suggestions strike me as worth investigation. About one-third of those make it past a quick docs read and into my "we should incorporate this" mental bucket.

buildr is the most recent tool to run this gauntlet and end up in our source tree. buildr is a build tool that runs on top of rake, Ruby's equivalent of make, but with a Java app mindset. The mentality behind buildr seems to be, "Just because we're building Java packages doesn't mean we need to have a tool written in Java with some clunky XML config system. Maybe a scripting language would be a better choice. And, since Java build tools aren't a new frontier, let's solve the problems that are commonplace in them while we're at it."

Java's standard build tools have notable flaws. The original authors of ant decided that ant should not be a programming language. The problem is that you often want some flow-of-control/variable setting for specialized tasks in your build, and you certainly want some ability to modularize. Because ant doesn't give you lots of ways to do these things (though there are add-ons that fill this gap), you end up with verbose XML files with an annoying amount of repetition. (If you're in this boat, you might want to check out the "Refactoring Ant Build Files" essay in The ThoughtWorks Anthology.)

Maven tried to fix some of ant's problems with a convention-over-configuration mindset: Set up a directory structure in a standard way, and maven's plugins will do the right thing with a minimum of configuration. Deploying a normal war required about three lines of XML. Maven also introduced a notion of dependencies and repositories. In an ant system, you find a library you need, download its jar into your source tree, and check it in. In the Maven universe, you just put an entry in your build file, and Maven goes and fetches the jar from a network-based repository.

But should you need to stray from the convention, Maven gets in your way. Want to use the ant technique of downloading a library for some reason (like, for instance, it's an Oracle driver that can't be published from Maven repositories because of licensing)? You can set up an internal repository, but it's a fair amount of work for a developer on a small team with a lot of other things to do. You can customize Maven (and ant, for that matter) with plugins written in Java, but that always seems clunky.

Buildr tries to solve these problems. It does all the dependency stuff that Maven does, but it also allows you to construct an artifact object (the term for a built resource) around an arbitrary file. Setting up buildr at work, I faced the problem that the Oracle drivers I need aren't in the global Maven repository anymore. So I downloaded the jar, stuck it in a lib directory, and just created an artifact reference to that file. (One caveat: buildr doesn't yet do the "transitive dependency tracking" that Maven does. In Maven, if you need a library, the system will fetch it and all the libraries that that library depends on. buildr requires you to list every single dependency.

Buildr also supports hierarchical/environment-specific properties as a feature. You often need to have properties files that contain different values for different environments (database connection URLs, for instance), and you usually have to roll your own solution. buildr acknowledges this common need and just addresses it.

And if you need to do something specialized, you can write Ruby code inline. No building a Java library that conforms to some API and then configuring the build tool to use it.

I've got local builds working in buildr, but I need to convert our automated build systems to use it. Once those are in place, I plan to move forward with buildr as our sole build tool.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Programmers And Statistics

A recent post on Slashdot links to this (strongly worded) article urging programmers to learn some statistics.

I am certainly not one of the programmers he mentions who pretends to a deep knowledge of statistics. I took it in college, got an A, and forgot just about everything except calculating a mean and a median. I can define a standard deviation, with a bit of hand-waving.

But his article is inspiring, especially because I want our team to own the load testing of our application. I (somewhat) recently bought Statistics In A Nutshell, so maybe I'll pick it up again at some point.